History of Education

The education in India has a rich and fascinating history. The education system which evolved first in India is known as the Vedic system of education which is based on the Vedas and therefore it is called Vedic Educational System. The education during these periods are found to be very disciplined and well organized. It is also believed that education is imparted orally by sagas and scholars . Palm leaves and tree barks are used as writing pads and this method improved the writing skills in India.

The temples and grounds under trees were used as the schools on those days. Then, the “Gurukul System of education came into existence. They are the traditional Hindu residential school of learning where the teachers imparted knowledge on various aspects of the religion, the scriptures, the philosophy, the literature, the warfare, the statecraft, the medicine astrology and the history. The classes where taken at the teacher's house known as Gurukul. Other unique aspect in this system of learning is that it is free for all but some students from good financial background will give Guru Dakshina to their guru at the end of the courses.

In the medieval periodthere is an uplift with the universities came in to existence with the concrete subjects like Astronomy, Grammar, Logic, Philosophy, Literature, Law, Medicine, Hinduism, Buddhism and Arthashastra, Mathematics and Logic. During this period, the scope and the importance of the education got spread out with the availability of schools in many villages. There is yet another accomplishment with the construction of libraries and literary societies.

The modern education system is based on the British era in which the English language is given more emphasis than the anyother languages. The recent form of education in India was an idea proposed by Lord Macaulay in the 20th century who believed that Indians should attain modern education to come out of their traditional thoughts, interests, intelligence and morals. After independence the education sector was largely controlled by the central government but now the sector is controlled by both the central and the state governments. In 21st century, the education policies and plans like the free and compulsory education for children till 14 years of age has been established and much focus is given on the primary education of the children.

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